Address of the Director General of the Company
Dear partners!
I am glad to welcome you on the website of GPM Planet – a company whose strategic goal is to develop technologies designed to solve environmental safety problems.
Currently, human impact on the environment has reached unparalleled, truly unprecedented level. Considering the global nature of environmental problems the humanity has to face, we are fully aware of the extent of responsibility assumed by our Company, and in many respects this is precisely why we strictly fulfill all the obligations we have undertaken.
GPM Planet is a young, dynamically developing company, the main priority of which is trustful and transparent relations with our partners.
Using the most up-to-date technologies in our work, we are constantly searching for new opportunities and offer our customers innovative products that meet their increasing demand.
I will be sincerely happy if GPM Planet becomes for you a worthy partner for mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation.
Igor Kasinov
Director General
The structure of the group of companies GPM Planet has sustainable revenue centers that allow internal financing of projects from research stage to the finished business model. In particular for the Carbon project, investments have been made in design of patents, purchase of land plots and construction of industrial facilities starting from 2015.
For the industrial implementation of our projects, we attract external investments that allow us to fully implement our business ideas.
Data on investments are provided by our analytical department. If you are interested in partnership, we are open to a constructive dialogue and are ready to provide detailed information for analysis.

Our projects:

We implement a number of technologies designed to solve problems related to environmental safety. In its activities, our company takes into account experience of the leading companies, as well as the slightest changes in the market – all this together helps us to obtain innovative inventions designed to serve humanity.
Our company has currently reached agreements with the industry leaders on the joint implementation of high-tech production projects. This work will result in the launch of a number of enterprises operating on the basis of technologies developed by our company.
We are sure that continuous research work, as well as innovative production based on its results, will allow us to adequately fulfill the mission set for the company – to bring only high-quality and, most importantly, socially useful products to the market.
The company continues to actively develop within the range of its main activities, constantly supporting study and research works in the field of ecology and, in particular, the production of activated carbon as an effective tool for solving environmental problems.
The need to create commercial projects is dictated by the high demand in our products on the market. In addition, economic efficiency of our technologies also allows us to organize production within our commercial projects.
Our projects are distinguished by autonomy and financial self-sufficiency, which allow ensuring of permanent profit of the parent company. This provides a stable development path for the entire group of companies and expands our opportunities for future development.
At the moment, we are holding crowdfunding for the GPM Carbon project. As part of this process, both private investors and venture and investment funds can invest their money. We are sure that we hold ICO not just to receive investments, but also to inform the market of the important environmental problems and of the ways to solve them.
You can get more detailed information about the project on the ICO Carbon project website.